In the given infographic, you will find out how does the sale funnel is functioning.
First, we have existing and potential contacts. They find out about you in social medias (such as LinkedIn or Instagram), from the search on the Internet, from ads and live events. As a result, they enter your sale funnel beginning with connection to your business through landing pages, websites, webinars and live events.
This gives you an opportunity to build contact lists by making people signing up at event or signing up for downloading materials. After collection of potential customers` emails you can send them specified letters and run your email campaign and social outreach.
Also, you can make business offers – offer customers to solve their needs with your help or products. When they accept your offer, the business transaction arise that lead to your profit and, as a result, new customers appear.
These new customers can be again involved in different stages of your sales funnel (continue their engagement) or might become referrals and go up to the group of potential and existing customers at the first stage of the sales funnel.
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